Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Publish apps for Office and SharePoint to the Office Store

Publishing apps for SharePoint

After you’ve finished developing your apps for SharePoint, the final step is making those apps available to users. To do this, you can publish the app to one of two places:
· Office Store
Publish your app to the Office Store to make the app publically available, so that it can be acquired by users of any SharePoint deployment.
· An internal corporate catalog
Publish your apps to an internal corporate catalog, hosted on your SharePoint deployment, to make them available to users with access to that SharePoint deployment.

Publishing to the Office Store

The Microsoft Seller Dashboard is the central location for app developers to submit apps for Office and SharePoint. If you want to submit apps for listing in the Office Store, your first step is to create an account in the Seller Dashboard. In addition, if you want to offer apps for purchase, you also have to add payout information. You can create an individual account if you’re an independent developer, or you can create a company account if you’re registering on behalf of a business. The Office Store provides a convenient location for developers to upload new app solutions that are aimed both at consumers and businesses.

Step 1: Build or prepare your app

After developing you app, choose manifest .app file from bin directory of application to publish on office store.
Step 2: Create your Seller Dashboard account
After you have built or prepared your app, the next step is to create an account in the Seller Dashboard and submit it for approval. Creating your account is a one-time task.  Create Your Account and Add Payout Information in the Microsoft Seller Dashboard.

Step 3: Add payout and tax information

If you want to offer apps for purchase, you also need to add payout and tax information and submit it for validation in the Seller Dashboard. If you are only offering free apps, then you do not need to add this information. You can add it later, but it takes some time to validate the tax information. If you know that you will offer apps for purchase, we recommend that you add and submit it as soon as possible. Add payout and tax information and submit it for validation.

Step 4: Add your app

While your account is in the approval process, you can immediately begin to add and save apps in the Seller Dashboard. After your account is approved, you can submit your free apps for approval. Once your account is approved and your payout and tax information are validated, you can submit apps for purchase.

Step 5: Get your app approved

After you submit your app, you will receive an email message when it is approved, or if it needs changes in order to be approved. If your app needs changes, you can view a report to see the details.

Step 6: See your approved app in a marketplace

·         If your approved app is an app for Office or an app for SharePoint, you can find it in the Office Store.
·         If your approved app is a Windows Azure Catalog App, you can find it in the Windows Azure Marketplace.

Step 7: Track your Office apps with metrics and receive payout

After your apps are approved and published in the Office Store, you can track how well they are doing with metrics. You might want to track customer ratings and reviews, browser hits, and trial downloads. For more information, see Track your apps with metrics.

Note: Prepare your app information before publishing.
What you need
For these app types
App type
  • All
The app type indicates the Microsoft technology that your app supports or enhances, for example, app for SharePoint.
App title
  • All
Your App Title appears in the marketplace listing for your app. A shorter title displays well on web pages, so we recommend that your App Title is no more than 15 characters. The title can be up to 50 characters.

App name
  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
If you want to offer your apps for Office or SharePoint in multiple languages, you can provide an App Name in each language.

  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
Description: ImportantImportant
The version number that you provide must exactly match the version number in the app package you submit.
Release date
  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
The Release Date you enter in the Seller Dashboard does not determine the date on which your app is published in the Office Store. The release date shown in the Office Store is the date that your app first appears in the Office Store.
  • All
Choose at least one category. You can choose up to three categories that will help customers filter in the marketplace to find your app.
App logo
  • All
This is an image that you want customers to associate with your app. This app logo image will appear in the marketplace listing for your app.
App package
  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
This is your app binary or manifest that you upload to the Seller Dashboard.
OAuth Client ID (if needed)
  • App for SharePoint
If your app is a service and requires server-to-server authorization, then you need a Client ID and client secret. You create the Client ID and secret in the Seller Dashboard. Create Client IDs and Secrets in the Microsoft Seller Dashboard.
Description: note
Testing notes
  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
Provide instructions and links to resources that will help validation testers validate your app as part of the app approval process. For example, provide valid credentials or a password if your app requires them. The credentials or password are not for public use and will only be used by Microsoft. Your Testing Notes are solely for validation purposes and will not be published in your Office Store listing. If you provide complete Testing Notes, they can assist with the validation of your app.
Cryptography and encryption information
  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
You will need to specify if your app calls, supports, contains, or uses cryptography or encryption. For more information about encryption, see EAR Controls For Items That Use Encryption.
App description
  • All
Your app description includes a Short Description and a Long Description that will appear in the marketplace listing for your app. The Short Description can be up to 100 characters, and the Long Description can be up to 4000 characters.
Offering features
  • Windows Azure Catalog App
Describe features and benefits for your app. Customers will see this on the features tab of your app details page.
  • All
You must provide at least one screenshot of your app. You can provide up to five screenshots for customers who want to learn more about your app. Customers will see these screenshots in the marketplace listing for your app, so do not include any private or personal information that you do not want customers to see.
Learn more URL
  • Windows Azure Catalog App
Provide a URL where your customers can learn more about your app.
Support document link
  • All
Provide a link to your support documentation. Include http:// or https:// in your URL. This could include a getting started guide, a FAQ, sample data, or other support resources. It should also include contact details so that the customer can contact you or a support person about your app.
Privacy document link
  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
Provide a link to a privacy policy. Include http:// or https:// in your URL.

Video link (optional)
  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
If you have a video that demonstrates your app, you can provide a link to it that will be included in your app listing.
Customized end user license agreement (optional)
  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
If you have a customized license agreement, you can upload it to the Seller Dashboard. If not, the Office Store will provide a standard license agreement for your app. For details, see Office Store Standard Application License Terms.
Pricing information
  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
You can list your app for free, for one-time purchase, or as a monthly, auto-renewing subscription. You can add this information at any time, so if you decide to list your app for purchase at a later date, you can add pricing information at that time. For more information, see Decide on a pricing model for your app for Office or SharePoint.
Trial information
  • App for Office
  • App for SharePoint
For one-time purchase or subscription apps, you can choose if you want to offer your app as a trial, and if so, the duration of that trial and the number of users.

How to Disable Large List Resource Throttling in SharePoint 2010

Users of a site may require access to all the items in a list, even if that list’s views contain more items than have been allotted for the web application in Central Administration. The Resource Throttling options available allow administrators to set a block of time each day during which large list resource throttling does not occur.

During this time, any user will be able to access the list and any views on that list without the list being throttled by the server. It is possible that during this time the server may take a performance hit while rendering huge amounts of data or if multiple users are accessing a large list simultaneously. Therefore, it is advisable to set the time window during off-peak hours, or when traffic to the server is at a minimum.

Setting the time block during which list throttling will not occur is done in Central Administration in the Resource Throttling options for each web application. The steps below outline the process for setting the daily time window:
  1. From the Central Administration homepage, click Application Management.
  2. Click Manage Web Applications.
  3. Select a Web application from the list.
  4. In the Ribbon, click the dropdown under General Settings.
  5. Click Resource Throttling.
  6. In the Daily Time Window for Large Queries section, check the box to enable the time window.
  7. Choose the hour that the time window should start, and select the number of hours it will remain open.
    It is important to keep in mind the performance impact this could have on the servers, so set the time window accordingly.

    Another option available for some users (generally developers) who have certain privileges is to use the object model override to access the items in the list. This can be accomplished using Windows PowerShell or Visual Studio and allows users with proper rights access to a larger subset of items at a time, even if resource throttling is enabled. However, even with the object model override, users will still be restricted to the limit set for administrators and auditors.

    You should note the following when using the list throttling capabilities of SharePoint Server 2010:
    The local server Administrator account is not affected by the list throttling settings. Therefore, the server Administrator has full, unrestricted access to the list.

    The Daily Time Window is not necessarily a hard cut-off time for access to the list. For example, if a user is accessing a large view of the list that is taking a long time to render, the list will finish loading even if the end of the Daily Time Window has been reached. Then, the list will be throttled once again.


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